Can I claim Osteo on my health insurance?
Many health insurance companies allow claims to be processed on the spot in the clinic.
What you get back will depend on the level of cover you have. If you would like us to find out please send the name of your insurance provider and the level of “Extras” cover you have and we can endeavour to find out for you. A list of insurance companies that allow these claims are found here:
Some companies will allow us to gain a quote from them. Here is a link:
If your health insurance provider is included on the list please ring to arrange a time to come to the clinic to run your card through our hicaps machine to gain a quote.
Can you give me some exercises?
Yes, I show you how to do the exercises. Then I get you to try them so that you can feel what they should feel like.
As with anything new, it takes time to have a go at them and then return a week or so later and have the exercises checked to see if you have picked up the correct technique.
Can you treat pregnant women?
Yes. There are many gentle techniques for treating women who are pregnant and experiencing pain.
Do I need to bring the results of any tests with me?
If you have any reports on diagnostic tests such as Xrays, CT scan or MRIs, please bring them. They may be helpful in working out your diagnosis.
Do you do maintenance treatments?
Yes, with the hindsight of over twenty years of experience, I have noticed that patients who have moderate to severe injuries benefit from regular tune up treatments. Examples of such injuries include fractures, whiplash and migraines.
Do you treat arthritis?
When people talk about arthritis they are usually talking about osteoarthritis. So long as you are not in an inflammatory stage, it is possible to help relieve the stiffness of the condition. It is not a cure per se, but it can help to relieve the pain.
Comprehensive Initial Or New Issue Consultation 50 minutes $230
Comprehensive Follow up Consultation 50 minutes $210
Essential Follow up Osteo Consultation 25 minutes $130
How long and how much?
The short answer is: it depends.
Generally, most issues are resolved in five visits with an average cost of $500 over a six week period. More chronic problems can take more time.
Most Common problems I deal with.
- Headaches
- Neck pain
- Shoulder pain
- Rib pain.
- Lower back pain
We are in a small set of strip shops in Through Road near the corner of Riversdale Road. There is 30 and 60 minute street parking directly out front. There is 2 hour parking just south of us on Webster St and unlimited parking on Riversdale Road. Another car park across Riversdale Road near Lille (?)St.
What do you do as an Osteopath?
Solve problems that are caused by pain in places like your neck, shoulders, back, hips, elbows, hands, knees and feet.
Very often there is a combination of muscle and joints involved with the problem. The trick is working out which is the cause. I have the experience and am able to work on both the muscle and joints.
When is the best time to make an appointment?
If you have had a muscle or joint pain like this before, I often suggest letting it settle one or two days. If after that time it hasn’t gone away, then please call to get in touch.
If in any doubt please give me a call earlier.
Will Osteopathy help me?
Yes, if you are comfortable with hands on treatment such as massage and stretching.